16 x 20 oil on linen
He was a witness to a country made for improvisation and guile. This is a new friend, Jeremiah. He lives in an 1883 home, where he plays the violin and piano by candlelight. He is currently an extra in the Yellowstone 1923 production. The idea of this painting was to give it an "Edward Hopper" feel.
Señora Bonita
16 x 20 oil on linen.
It is my hope the painting will stir the viewer's imagination moving from the eyes to the mind and then the heart, if even just briefly.
She Sought the Far West
16 x 20 oil on linen
The women of the west are imbued with a courage and sense of adventure. There is a willingness to fail and falter, but also an innate inclination to help someone in need. It's the idea that if the people in the next wagon don't rally round to help, nobody will. These are the women of the west.
The Reason for it All
11 x 14 oil on linen
Some say portraits are too personal, but I find them intriguing. My model here is half Dakota, half Scottish. She enjoys climbing trees and being with her horse. She embodies the innocence and possibilities of youth. Nothing is more precious than a child and in her eyes I see the reason for it all.
On the Fence
16 x 20
This painting depicts an American girl in our front yard. She exudes confidence and an unwavering sense of self. Leaning on the fence, she'd tell you "Some folk learn by reading, some by observation, and some by squatting with their spurs on."
Long John, The Reluctant Witness
16 x 20 oil on linen panel
This intimidated witness anxiously awaits his turn at the trial of George Ives in Nevada City, Montana.
Just 58 minutes after his conviction, Ive’s life ended on December 21, 1863. This first trial, conviction, and execution would become the catalyst for forming the infamous Montana Vigilantes. Within the next month, some 24 men found guilty by the vigilantes would also be hanged in the area.